Circe . Madeline Miller

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I remember growing up loving reading about Greek mythology. I remember being forced to read Homer’s great works like Illiad and the Odyssey and thoroughly enjoying them. I remember enjoying learning about all the different gods and their relations to one another. With that background, I was excited to read this book. It was a very enjoyable read. I found myself really invested in this character, Circe. I could see her subtle transformations developing through the different circumstances life presented before her. Her eternal life was filled with so much pain, grief, rejection, loss, but also hope. It made me ponder whether I would want such a life of eternity. Her life made eternity feel like a black hole that you did not want to get pulled into. In one sense, it made me appreciate the brevity of life that we are granted because at least, there is an end. A life of immortality is not worth living without pure goodness, love and truth. To me personally, only an ending with Jesus in it makes eternal life worth pursuing.